

Here you will find all the most frequently asked questions by members or you might ask. If you can not find all the information you need, please contact the administrators by using the contact form that is available or directly on Teamspeak.

[ut_togglegroup last= »true »] [ut_toggle title= »What TeamSpeak is ? » state= »closed »] TeamSpeak is what it names says: it allows members of a team to speak to each other. There are many ways of doing that, but TeamSpeak makes it easy and interesting even when the members of the team are scattered around the globe. It uses VoIP and the Internet to connect people through servers. This can be achieved often for free. Dozens, hundreds and even thousands of people can communicate in real-time using this tool, either to have fun of to collaborate in a more serious and professional context. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »Where I can get it? » state= »closed »] You can download it on the official website. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »How-to join the server? » state= »closed »] Select « connect » from the « Connections » drop-down menu, which you will find in the top left corner of the client window. You will be presented with multiple fields. The EvilWorld Teamspeak server address is ts.evilworld.eu. The « nickname » field will determine how you show up in the client to the other members. Leave the « server password » field blank. Click « connect » to be placed in our lobby, and you are done. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »Is it free? » state= »closed »] Access to our server is fully public and free. Everyone can access it. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= » Is your server secure? » state= »closed »] The voice data encryption is fully activated on our server. We also have a DDoS protection provided by Black Lotus Communications [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »How to create a channel? » state= »closed »] Right-click on any channel (eg Welcome), click « Create Channel » and then in the new window fill in the information about your channel and click « Ok ». [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »How to automatically connect to my channel? » state= »closed »] First, you need to add the server to your Bookmarks. To do it, click on « Bookmarks » then « Add to Bookmarks ».

After, go to your channel, click on « Bookmarks » then « Manage Bookmarks », find the server in the list and click « More ». Find « Default Channel » and click on the rows. Enter your channel password in « Channel Password » field.

To log in, click on « Bookmarks » and then in the small drop-down menu on the server name. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »What are the server rules? » state= »closed »] You can find the rules here. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title= »How can I have my permanent channel? » state= »closed »] To change your Temporary channel in an Permanent one, request a staff member  directly on the server or contact us via our form on the website. [/ut_toggle] [/ut_togglegroup]